Bryte Gordon
Research Scientist, Ph.D.
Bryte Gordon is a Ph.D. research scientist who studied small molecule metal enzyme mimics and specialized in x-ray crystallography. For over 15 years she has been working in the realm of intellectual property law with cutting edge innovators in biotech and green tech. Through it all, Bryte remains a child at heart and her deepest love is to be in the woods with little people.
As a graduate student, Bryte was a founding member of Women in Science at Columbia, where she helped run the Saturday Science Starters program that hosted young girls from Harlem at the Columbia Chemistry Department to engage in fun and enriching science experiments.
Bryte has also been an active member of the Non-Violent Communication community for a number of years now and is excited to continue to cultivate opportunities for deep listening, empathic connection and awareness with nature, within herself, with the Wayfinders tribe and beyond!