Contribute to the Wayfinders Scholarship Fund or Apply for a Scholarship below.
Wayfinders Scholarship Policy
Wayfinders believes that tuition should not prevent anyone from joining and participating in our community. However, funding does not yet allow for need-blind admission.
Families who can, are asked to pay full tuition to off-set tuition for families unable to pay the full amount. Wayfinders progressive tuition and scholarship opportunities are a step toward creating equity. This effort relies on our community to uplift each other.
Scholarships draw directly from the Wayfinders Scholarship Fund, which is an ongoing fundraising priority. When these funds are depleted, typically no additional scholarships are available for that program year.
Scholarship applications are processed, and scholarship decisions are made, by a subcommittee of the Wayfinders Board of Directors. The members of this committee are responsible for executing the scholarship process according to the mission and values of the organization, with integrity and impartiality.
There are limited opportunities for families to provide in-kind donations of goods or services to help offset tuition, depending on organizational needs at a given time.
Families seeking scholarships can apply directly through the registration form, and may select from a range of options. A Scholarship Committee member may follow up with the family directly with any additional questions, and request documentation of free and reduced lunch designation.
In addition to scholarships, transportation assistance is available through our parent coordinated program which connects those in need of rides with other participants.
Snacks are available at programs.